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    I am a self-taught digital artist specializing in logo/icon design and photo manipulation/editing. I also do a good amount of photography, mostly urban and nature.


    I started messing around with design/and photo programs in my early teens, teaching myself how to use them. I used Microsoft Expression Design to begin instead of Adobe Illustrator and GIMP Photo Manipulation Program instead of Adobe Photoshop like I currently do. It gave me a great basis to start with when I finally made the switch to the Adobe suite. I started with mostly personal designs, just getting the feel of digital design, but I quickly moved to doing smaller design projects for the people around me. I started doing logos and other design work for the projects my family and friends had going on before doing a small amount of advertising online and doing some small designs for some outside clients.


    As far as photography, I started with and currently only use a smartphone for my photography. The freedom it gives me is amazing, as I don’t have to have any bulky camera equipment to carry around, and I can take any photos I want, at practically anytime. While my photos have always been quality, they have drastically improved in the time since I started. I like to focus on mostly urban photography, taking pictures of dilapidated buildings, graffiti, broken streets; bringing attention and beauty to the things most people just walk right past and never think about.


    Aside from digital design and photography, I like to livestream on Twitch at I almost always stream with a friend of mine: LetsNoobOut, over on Twitch as well, and consider her my streaming partner. There’s almost never a time where we’re not streaming together, even if one of us is just there to add commentary. I love to make people laugh, so livestreaming is a great outlet for my slightly-off-kilter brand of comedy.


    I have worked with several small streamers in order to do full-brand identities for them, including: logos/icons, banners (for both Twitch and Twitter), stream overlays (both animated and static), stream panels, stream notifications, stream emotes, animated stinger transitions, and many other things. I rarely use templates as I want all of my clients to feel that they’re getting a completely custom piece of design, so almost everything I design is made from scratch for whatever client I’m working with at the time.


    I have a house in Colorado where I live with my wife and my four cats, and out of this house is where I do my design work and livestreaming.

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